Monday, January 31, 2011

Greige Nailpolish

Grey+Beige = Greige

I really love this grey/beige hybrid trend(I know it's a bit old, but I still love it), I'm wearing some now!
My favorites are of course Chanel, OPI's You don't Know Jaques! and Nailsinc London Diet Coke in "London".

Thursday, March 11, 2010

just some things, sorry I haven't posted in FOREVER.
I am currently obsessed with getting a job sooo once I get one I'm going to try and blog more, but for now I need to fill out applications.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

I lost my bestfriend.. not lost as in where did she go.
Lost. Lost as in gone forever, she ended our friendship. Not to be a drama queen about it. It wasn't a sudden thing, I moved very far away three years ago, we used to keep contact but lets just say I dealt with it by shutting out reality and going into a depression for two and a half years(not that I'm any less depressed now) and she dealt with it, with drugs. It's not fair really that she can just drink my memory away and pretend I never existed as I'm curled up in a ball, rocking and imagining different methods of suicide.
Anyway, I'm quite the retard-in-denial as it took a FACEBOOK STATUS to clue me in to our obliterated "bestfriendship". Here it is : -blah blah blah personal-stuff-about-her-family-that-I-should-write-here-so-I'm-blahing-instead blah ... "best friends aren't forever..because you just left .." . Yes folks, I left AGAINST MY WILL. I cried a freaking ocean and deliberated on if I should run away and be a homeless person or not. Guess who I never got to say bye to. That's correct, my "EXBFF".
So after seeing this status and also reminiscing on the things that led up to this like, her "untagging herself from all the pictures or me and her, her excessive drinking, her one worded answers to me, her never talking to me first, her never calling me ONCE in the three years I was gone and more... I sent a pathetic facebook message to her saying how much I missed her.
I'm fucking clinging on for dear life and I don't want to let go, SORRY for bei
ng stubborn.
*sigh* Wish me luck and trying to fix this mess, I'll need it.

PS: Here's the message.. (awkward!)

"Hi I really miss you, and when I say miss, that's an understatement because its basically killing me. And it kills me even more to have one word conversations every now and then with you. we're losing touch and drifting apart and I don't want that to happen. Moving was the worst thing that ever happened to me. I'm fucking sorry this had to happen and I'm trying to keep contact and stay your best friend, but its like i've already been replaced and forgotten. Three years shouldn't be enough to trash a friendship. I want to be there for you, and since i cant be physically then i should be emotionally, but I don't know shit. nobody keeps me updated and i feel helpless. I've waited 3 years and I'll wait for the rest of my life. I love you that much and nothing will ever change that. You'll always be my best friend, forever ♥ no matter how far you are, no matter how long I'm gone, you will always be with me"

Isn't that a pittyfest. I disgust myself.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Resolutions?
To not make any because i will end up breaking them,
to just live my life and you know what SCREW new years! We shouldn't just not care about everyday and then go crazy on one day? Who needs an excuse to make your life better or have fun? NOT ME! Additionally, screw alcohol, I ruins lives, stop using new years as an excuse to drink alcohol is a DEPRESSANT it doesn't make you happy!
HAPPY NEW YEAR :).. almost, it's 11 here
I've left you for a very long time, cause im boring...
i doubt anyone is even reading this?
Well guess what I did for new years.. NOTHING
I was supposed to party but my only two friends that live here who drink went MIA :(
one went to mexico and the other decided to throw a party and ignore me.
thanks for the invite. :|
I know why I wasn't invited though, she thinks I don't drink just because I don't like cheap beer.
I prefer the hard liquor ;) OH WELL, new years is just a calendar date, it should really be in spring you know.

I think I'm going to ignore the viva channel and my clodhoppers right now to inform you that I'm going to start doing DIY. Don't know what that is? DIY=Do It Yourself
I'm going to make fashion-y things :)
I was inspried to start this partly by DIYMaegan and also by lookbook, and that I just today found out that there is a DIY fashion forum :)
don't forget to follow my blog if you already are not... <3
So anyway I will leave you now with a blog I found that pretty cool,

PS I am going to redesign my blog I believe.

Friday, October 16, 2009

How to be naturally skinny even if your not...

Tips on how to be skinny (and healthy) without eating disorders or cutting outs food GROUPS.

1 - NO junk food (it's not even a food group)
that means no candy no pop/soda(it fills up your stomach and makes you fat) etc
2 - Eat all the food groups fruits and vegetables, grains, dairy and meat and alternative
if your a vegetarians make sure you eat a lot of nuts and soy (but your still missing out of the B12 of red meat and the very healthy(but not so appealing) food ... liver!! It's good for you!
3 - If you have extra junk in the trunk, it's good!! Hip and Butt fat is healthy as opposed to belly fat
I recommend lunges and squats to TONE your bottom and lots of sit ups to flatten belly fat.
4 - Ever hear of brown fat and how it's really good? It's baby fat. No joke. So kind hard to revert back to baby days. Instead of trying to rid yourself of all fat or replace it with brown fat. Tone your muscles and you will lose fat but gain muscle!! :)
5 - NEVER binge and throw or skip meals. Never excersie too much so that everything hurts.
6 - Comment if you have questions on healthy-skinny

PS Don't change yourself inless YOU want to and just stay healthy because